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Doctor's Clinic
Medical Team
關於靈心 l About Us


LX Biotech 靈心生物科技國際擁有10多年專營品牌總代理經驗, 並憑着專利註冊的K.I.D.D生物儀器,深受美容界及客戶垂青,


LX Biotech 我們的專業團隊充分掌握國際市場資訊及動向, 藉着自然環保大趨勢, 近年並積極推廣綠色美容, 
務求與時並進, 致力引入各國多元化的頂尖美容儀器,為市場提供最先端科技、最顯著效




LX Biotech International has more than 10 years of experience as a general agent of exclusive brands, and with its patented K.I.D.D biological equipment, it is deeply favored by the beauty industry and customers, from health beauty to medical beauty equipment and equipment.

LX Biotech's professional team fully grasps the international market information and trends, and actively promotes green beauty in recent years by taking advantage of the general trend of natural environmental protection. 

In order to keep pace with the times, we are committed to introducing a variety of top-notch beauty equipment from various countries to provide the market with the most advanced technology, the most significant effect and the highest quality new equipment.

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Nelson interview 2014 NOV

Our Team
  • Consultation - 售前規劃
    我們專業及具備經驗的團隊會和客戶緊密合作,提供最合適的解決方案。客戶可以預約時間,親臨公司試機,我們會認真了解客戶需求,並給予建議,一同探討不同可能性。 Our professional and experienced team will work closely with you to provide the most suitable solution. We encourage our customers to make an appointment with us for a demonstration session.
  • After Sales Service - 售後服務
    為了免除客戶的後顧之憂,我們代理的所有儀器均有一年免費的原廠保養。我們亦可為客戶提供儀器的海報單張,訂製Foamboard展板。此外,我們的專業團隊亦會積極為您解除任何疑難。 All of our equipments have a one-year free warranty from the original manufacturer. MEDii also provides our customers with posters and custom-made foamboard display boards. Our professional team will actively help you to solve any problems.
  • Training - 培訓服務
    在儀器送抵並成功安裝後,我們會安排有豐富資歷的專業培訓師,為客戶的美容團隊進行儀器的培訓服務,保障之後的美容療程能夠持續安全穩定地進行。 After the equipment has been delivered and installed, MEDii will arrange a professional trainer to provide training session(s) for your aesthetic team to ensure that the subsequent treatments can be carried out in a safe and stable manner.
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